West Coast Clean Transit Corridor Initiative

West Coast Charging Infrastructure Map

The West Coast Clean Transit Corridor Initiative is an ongoing, collaborative effort among 19 utilities to support the development of electric vehicle charging facilities along I-5, from San Diego to British Columbia, for heavy- and medium-duty freight haulers and delivery trucks.

Following an initial June 2020 report outlining conceptual charging sites, the West Coast utilities are conducting grid readiness assessments in preparation for infrastructure installations and upgrades that will support vehicle charging capacities of at least 3.5 megawatts with potential for further upgrades to create even higher-power sites.

Organizations interested in partnering with utilities to build or upgrade their sites along the I-5 corridor are encouraged to connect with the appropriate utility. Contact information for each utility can be found by clicking the Utility Contacts button below.


Utility Contacts


BC Hydro

City of Redding

Clark Public Utilities

Cowlitz Co PUD

Eugene Water & Electric Board

Lewis Co PUD

Los Angeles Department of Water & Power

Northern California Power Agency

Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Pacific Power

Portland General Electric

Puget Sound Energy

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

San Diego Gas & Electric

Seattle City Light

Snohomish PUD

Southern California Edison

Tacoma Power